* この記事は、こちらの内容を踏襲していますので、先に一読頂くといいと思います。
CakePHP3 を intl 拡張モジュールなしでインストールする - Qiita
CakePHP3からは、composer でのインストールが推奨されているので、まずは composer のインストールから始めます。
次に、composer を使って、CakePHP3 のインストール。
CakePHPのプラグイン intlless を使用して、intl が無くても CakePHP3 が動くようにする。
composer をインストール
さくらのレンサバ(スタンダード)でもSSH接続できますので、接続してから composer をインストールします。
$ ssh -p 22 USER@USER.sakura.ne.jp Welcome to FreeBSD! % pwd /home/USER % echo $PATH /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/home/USER/bin % mkdir bin % curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=bin --filename=composer All settings correct for using Composer Downloading... Composer (version 1.4.2) successfully installed to: /home/USER/bin/composer Use it: php bin/composer % composer ______ / ____/___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ________ _____ / / / __ \/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \/ ___/ / /___/ /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ (__ ) __/ / \____/\____/_/ /_/ /_/ .___/\____/____/\___/_/ /_/ Composer version 1.4.2 2017-05-17 08:17:52
composer の設定
% composer config --global platform.ext-intl 0.0.0
この platform
% composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app test/app Installing cakephp/app (3.4.2) - Installing cakephp/app (3.4.2): Loading from cache Created project in test/app Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Package operations: 35 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals - Installing cakephp/plugin-installer (1.0.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing psr/http-message (1.0.1): Downloading (100%) - Installing zendframework/zend-diactoros (1.4.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing aura/intl (3.0.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib (2.8.25): Downloading (100%) - Installing psr/log (1.0.2): Downloading (100%) - Installing cakephp/chronos (1.1.2): Downloading (100%) - Installing cakephp/cakephp (3.4.7): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/yaml (v3.3.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/debug (v3.3.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.3.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/console (v3.3.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/filesystem (v3.3.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/config (v3.3.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing robmorgan/phinx (v0.6.5): Downloading (100%) - Installing cakephp/migrations (1.6.7): Downloading (100%) - Installing jakub-onderka/php-console-color (0.1): Downloading (100%) - Installing jakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter (v0.3.2): Downloading (100%) - Installing dnoegel/php-xdg-base-dir (0.1): Downloading (100%) - Installing nikic/php-parser (v3.0.5): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/var-dumper (v3.3.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing psy/psysh (v0.8.5): Downloading (100%) - Installing jdorn/sql-formatter (v1.2.17): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/process (v3.3.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/finder (v3.3.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing seld/phar-utils (1.0.1): Downloading (100%) - Installing seld/jsonlint (1.6.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing seld/cli-prompt (1.0.3): Downloading (100%) - Installing justinrainbow/json-schema (5.2.1): Downloading (100%) - Installing composer/spdx-licenses (1.1.6): Downloading (100%) - Installing composer/semver (1.4.2): Downloading (100%) - Installing composer/ca-bundle (1.0.7): Downloading (100%) - Installing composer/composer (1.4.2): Downloading (100%) - Installing cakephp/debug_kit (3.10.2): Downloading (100%) - Installing cakephp/bake (1.3.4): Downloading (100%) cakephp/app suggests installing markstory/asset_compress (An asset compression plugin which provides file concatenation and a flexible filter system for preprocessing and minification.) cakephp/app suggests installing dereuromark/cakephp-ide-helper (After baking your code, this keeps your annotations in sync with the code evolving from there on for maximum IDE and PHPStan compatibility.) cakephp/app suggests installing phpunit/phpunit (Allows automated tests to be run without system-wide install.) cakephp/app suggests installing cakephp/cakephp-codesniffer (Allows to check the code against the coding standards used in CakePHP.) cakephp/cakephp suggests installing lib-ICU (The intl PHP library, to use Text::transliterate() or Text::slug()) symfony/console suggests installing symfony/event-dispatcher () symfony/var-dumper suggests installing ext-symfony_debug () psy/psysh suggests installing ext-pcntl (Enabling the PCNTL extension makes PsySH a lot happier :)) psy/psysh suggests installing ext-readline (Enables support for arrow-key history navigation, and showing and manipulating command history.) psy/psysh suggests installing ext-pdo-sqlite (The doc command requires SQLite to work.) psy/psysh suggests installing hoa/console (A pure PHP readline implementation. You'll want this if your PHP install doesn't already support readline or libedit.) cakephp/debug_kit suggests installing ext-sqlite (DebugKit needs to store panel data in a database. SQLite is simple and easy to use.) Writing lock file Generating autoload files > Cake\Composer\Installer\PluginInstaller::postAutoloadDump > App\Console\Installer::postInstall Created `config/app.php` file Set Folder Permissions ? (Default to Y) [Y,n]? Permissions set on /home/USER/www/test/app/tmp/cache Permissions set on /home/USER/www/test/app/tmp/cache/models Permissions set on /home/USER/www/test/app/tmp/cache/persistent Permissions set on /home/USER/www/test/app/tmp/cache/views Permissions set on /home/USER/www/test/app/tmp/sessions Permissions set on /home/USER/www/test/app/tmp/tests Permissions set on /home/USER/www/test/app/tmp Permissions set on /home/USER/www/test/app/logs Updated Security.salt value in config/app.php
% composer config --global --unset platform.ext-intl
% composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app test/app Installing cakephp/app (3.4.2) - Installing cakephp/app (3.4.2): Downloading (100%) Created project in test/app Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - cakephp/cakephp 3.4.7 requires ext-intl * -> the requested PHP extension intl is missing from your system. - cakephp/cakephp 3.4.6 requires ext-intl * -> the requested PHP extension intl is missing from your system. - cakephp/cakephp 3.4.5 requires ext-intl * -> the requested PHP extension intl is missing from your system. - cakephp/cakephp 3.4.4 requires ext-intl * -> the requested PHP extension intl is missing from your system. - cakephp/cakephp 3.4.3 requires ext-intl * -> the requested PHP extension intl is missing from your system.
プラグイン intlless をインストール
Fatal error: You must enable the intl extension to use CakePHP. in /home/USER/www/test/app/config/bootstrap.php on line 25
なので、intlを使わなくてもCakePHP3が使えるようになる、intlless をインストールします。
% cd test/app % composer require --prefer-dist chinpei215/cakephp-intlless Using version ^1.0 for chinpei215/cakephp-intlless ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals - Installing chinpei215/cakephp-intlless (1.0.1): Loading from cache Writing lock file Generating autoload files > Cake\Composer\Installer\PluginInstaller::postAutoloadDump
最後に、 config/bootstrap.php
Your version of PHP does NOT have the intl extension loaded. と正しい警告が。
intlless の開発者の @chinpei215 さんには感謝しかありません。
* intlを使わないことで少なからず制限があるので、その辺りは留意しましょう。